The internet is full of answers. We just need to know how to ask the right questions.
The internet is full of answers. We just need to know how to ask the right questions.
Sometime in the early 90’s, one vice president changed the course of civilization by coining one of the greatest innovations mankind will ever know: the internet. Al Gore, the creator of this technological feat of greatness, was a man of vision capable of prophesizing the precise path this innovations would take for the next hundred generations. Just as 20-some years ago when we all first installed that AOL disk on our computers and dialed into the same internet frequency, the same infallible digital concepts hold true and shall for the next several generations. This is why the digital world is as easy to navigate and capitalize upon as it was 20-30 years ago.
My name is Alec Klungle and I am the Marketing Coordinator here at Addis Enterprises. And though I understand tone and facial expression may not necessarily translate from the computer screen, I hope I have succeeded in being at least somewhat obvious in my role as the sarcastic black sheep here. In the short time I’ve been acquainted with this world, I’ve learned two things I am rather skilled at: asking prodding questions in a way to make myself or others rethink what we know or the explanation behind it and soothing the ruffled feathers created from my prodding questions. I do not think the internet was invented by Al Gore. In fact, I believe, when the internet is used properly, a cursory Google search paired with a basic understanding of real world fundamentals (and a dose of common sense) is the most powerful tool available to humans in disproving falsehoods and gaining beneficial knowledge.
Let’s run through this vice president example in an attempt to foreshadow the intricacies we will discuss in the coming articles on this site. Before we commence any sort of research on the internet, we can deduce from our interactions and previous education that the vice-president is generally a role historically filled by a professional politician with years of experience as a representative, senator, governor, or other political position. This means it is highly unlikely that the people (you and I) would elect a computer programmer or scientist directly to this role. The next logical step in this oddity is to ask the almighty internet where this concept of a vice-president inventing the internet for us comes from. So, what would you do? I would ask a search engine, “Did Al Gore invent the internet?” This is usually where we begin any journey on the internet. And, this is the precise place you’ll find most of your prospective customers or clients starting: a question in need of an answer you are able to provide.
We just established two big concepts here that need to be understood by anyone hoping to be noticed by any internet user:
- A question expected to be answered.
- An expectation the answer provided is credible based upon the background knowledge the user already has.
In this blog section you currently find yourself in, I am going to be the person you are hearing from most often. This is not because I am the most knowledgeable or the most experienced or battled for the privilege to control content; it is because I ask the most questions. This is not a place where myself or my coworkers are going to present our personal experiences as end-all solutions or force our favorites as the only realistic option available. This is a corner of the internet we hope you will come for a different perspective or to open a discussion in the hopes of filling a knowledge gap one or both of us was/were previously blind to.
Over the next several months, I hope to clarify some of the unnecessarily complicated hype surrounding new media platforms, such as social media, SEO/SEM, websites, mobile, and explain or debunk the myths and generalizations surrounding traditional media, such as television, radio, and print. I do not plan to do this alone, as my team here has much more specialized ability in each of these areas than I could ever hope to have. We also hope to hear your views and questions around the topics we propose, as we aim to not only educate you in the areas we feel are best to know, but to learn ourselves which areas people want to know about and how they want to learn.
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